Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Video pada Mata Pelajaran Pemograman Dasar di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan


Yosi Nofita Sari
Deviana Ridhani
Afriola Dewi


Learning media is a way of delivering messages or information to students during the teaching and learning process in order to pique their interest in learning. There is a demand for video-based learning media, and learning media may be developed using Basic Programming learning resources. The goal of this research is to provide video-based learning medium for Basic Programming classes in vocational high schools. This is a research and development (R&D) project that uses a four-dimensional model (define, design, develop and disseminate). T category, often known as a practical medium to which the instructor replied, received a score of 0.93. The teacher's answer has a practicality of 0.85, and it may be employed successfully with the post-test findings, as evidenced by the students' classical completeness of 0.81 in the high category.


How to Cite
Y. Sari, D. Ridhani, and A. Dewi, “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Video pada Mata Pelajaran Pemograman Dasar di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan”, JAVIT, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 38-43, Feb. 2022.

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